Sony India has launched VAIO YB series laptops.
The laptop packs AMD's Vision Technology which the company claims will allow users to enjoy smooth and comfortable HD content playback, faster Internet and online gaming experience. Stylishly designed for user-friendly operation, VAIO YB will be available in trendy colours – pink, silver and green.
It comes with an 11.6" wide display. The isolation keyboard assures comfortable, precise typing and a touchpad for precision control. The new YB series weighes 1.46 kg making it easy to carry.
To further increase the usability, VAIO YB comes with the ASSIST button that offers instant access to VAIO Care, VAIO original software, which simplifies basic maintenance and troubleshooting tasks.
The VAIO YB is priced at Rs 26,990 and will be available in India from 2nd February.